Get a free copy of "How to Design and Build Your High Horsepower Fuel System" delivered right to your inbox!!! Let us send you the only complete fuel system guide meant walk you through the basics of designing your fuel system!
This is a 50+ page e-book that was written to help beginner and intermediate DIY mechanics tackle one of the most complex and overwhelming subjects when building a race car or doing an EFI engine swap!
In the book we cover: how to determine your fuel needs (Brake Specific Fuel Consumption), fuel line diameter, fuel pump size, fuel pump style, fuel injector flow, fuel injector style, fuel cell vs fuel tank and scratch building fuel systems. The book has diagrams and lists to help you figure out which fittings you'll need for your fuel system, as well as how re-using most of your old fuel system with a few new parts, can create a "hybrid" OEM/aftermarket fuel system than can support massive power on a low budget!
Packed full of information, parts dealer links, links to internet forum write-ups, YouTube video links and a worksheet that will help you figure out the exact requirements of your fuel system using PROVEN techniques.
Don't waste time ordering the wrong parts and returning them! Or even worse having a pile of parts you can't use or return and now have to sell or watch rust away! Let us send you the only complete fuel system guide meant walk you through the basics of designing your fuel system!